Potting up

It has finally warmed up enough so I can move all my seedlings from the indoor germination table and light to the greenhouse. The tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) are in the most need of transplanting and Charlotte is here to help. With nearly 50 plants to pot up, she wields the Sharpie pen and labels each […]

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Sarah’s rose

We have an heirloom rose bush on the corner of our property that has been there ever since we purchased our house over 30 years ago. Our neighbors at the time told us that this bush has always been part of the original estate, which our structure is part of, and is likely to be […]

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A gardening addition

Juana was cleaning out the closet the other day and found two of the many bibs she made for Charlotte years ago. The first, with vegetables and fruit, and the second, with farm animals, had been stored with the hope that someday another grandchild would be able to wear them. And that day is now […]

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How I started

I’m not sure when I got the idea about writing a book about my horticultural therapy experiences, but it was probably around the time Charlotte was born. I was pretty much retired and Juana and I were taking care of Charlotte during the day and my horticultural therapy program was starting at Ann’s Place. Prior […]

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Christmas tree time

It’s a great day to cut down our Christmas tree! Over a decade ago, I decided that it was silly (and expensive) to go out “over the river and through the woods” to purchase a tree when my property has plenty of space to grow tiny conifers. So I planted over a dozen seedlings and […]

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