Not so hidden interests

River birch The end of January in New England signals that Winter is in full swing. With the exception of a few oaks (Quercus), all the deciduous trees have shed their leaves and without snow, a persistent grey often coats the ground. Though we wait for a more vibrant Spring, there are still many interesting […]

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Early buds

January is too soon to expect to see any of the early Spring bulbs to flower, but this can’t be said about Lenten roses (Helleborus). After the snow melt last week, a few buds emerged under its leathery dark green leaves from one of my plants in our side garden. A few flowers had started […]

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Voracious voles

Before After As we find ourselves accepting the arrival of Winter with its chilly winds and cold precipitations, garden pests are not top of mind. But for those of us who have cold frames or store prior harvests, this is a mistake. I have been nursing a wide variety of greens in a cold frame […]

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