Baby greens

Given the severity of this Winter, I don’t think I will be starting vegetable seedlings for a while. But that hasn’t stopped me from planting trays of micro- and baby greens. I made the mistake by not first using a grow light as I thought a south-east facing window would provide enough rays. Wrong! After […]

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Sunflower harvest

Rather than let the birds and bugs attack my sunflowers with abandon this year, I decide to harvest and dry them early on. Olivia loves this as she gets to dispatch the disk florets with abandon. These tiny yellow flowers are arranged in clockwise and counterclockwise patterns spinning their way around the large flower head. […]

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Dog days of summer

Today, the girls spent the morning working and pulling fruits and vegetables from the garden. The blueberries have perhaps one more harvest left but the blackberries have come in strong with many more on the way. Their tiny fingers are much more adept at picking berries than are mine. Charlotte is more partial to blueberries […]

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Blueberry picking

With a few hot and rainy days behind us, the blueberry bushes are bursting with ripe fruit. Charlotte and Olivia are keen to help me (and themselves) and Juana harvest this new bounty. It’s early in the morning and there is still a little shade on the bushes. We want to get the picking done […]

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Granddaughter gardening

Arriving home after a long trip, there is lots to do in the garden. Luckily I have my two granddaughters, Charlotte and Olivia, to help me out. The first thing we do is to harvest the snap peas and beans. Juana tried to keep up with the harvest, but there were too many plants growing […]

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Olivia pickings

After a cool and cloudy May, June has exploded with growth and harvests. For most of May, asparagus, greens and rhubarb were the only things we were pulling from the grounds. But with a shot of heat, rain, and sun, my other plants are catching up. The most anticipated (at least among my grandchildren) is […]

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Garlic planting time

Though most of our harvests are past, we are still working the soil. It is now time to plant garlic. I enlist Juana and Olivia to help me today. It is a bright crisp day with only a few clouds painting the sky and a slight breeze rustling the trees. The trees are still holding […]

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Final harvest

Olivia strains with our final tomato harvest. There have been plenty of fruits, though in the last week they have stubbornly held on to their green color. She is a good helper, harvesting fruit regardless of its shade and eating half of what she pulls. Juana separates the tomatoes into different paper bags according to […]

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A bug catcher

My grandson Charlie is showing off his Venus flytrap. I bought it for him the last time we visited as he was fascinated by this hungry plant. He has been a good caretaker of it as it has more than doubled in size. I will likely need to repot it next time we visit.

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