A great helper

Charlotte continues to be a great helper in the garden. She quickly helps me pick and identify the ripest of tomatoes as well as an underlying layer of green beans that we will have for dinner. Her reward is unlimited access to the blueberry bushes and their fruits.

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Summer helper

We are in the middle of summer. There is no mistaking it. The afternoon thunderstorms, the humidity, the bugs are all part of summer. And with the season, come chores that Olivia wants to help her grandfather with. Today she is assisting me hang cloths on the line as the sun and heat makes short […]

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Blueberry harvest

It’s blueberry picking time and Charlotte and Olivia can’t wait. Even though the harvest is slim, both have the eye of a hungry bird in being able to focus on and grab any ripe berry in their reach. Given their desires, their baskets are often more empty than their tummies making extras for Juana and […]

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Olivia’s new love

The strawberries are in and so is Olivia. After some initial hesitancy to sample a strawberry, she digs in with all of the gusto that her sister Charlotte exhibited at her age. She smiles as thin lines of strawberry juice rundown her chin, staining her shirt. We probably lose half the harvest to her but […]

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Sarah’s rose

When we bought our house over 30 years ago, there was a scraggly rose bush on the corner of the property that the deer never bothered. And magically it always explodes with lovely flowers right around my daughter Sarah’s birthday in mid-May. This heirloom bush with its sweetly fragrant blooms, has apparently always been part […]

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Snack time

There is little more joy for me than when my grandchildren embrace my garden as do I. When Charlotte was barely one, she was bending over the sides of the raised beds to grab a handful of lettuce. And now 11 years later, Olivia is doing the same. It is a warm sunny day and […]

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New help

Breaking in new help is always a challenge, especially when it is my granddaughter Olivia. 🥰 Mid-March is when I need to start up my seedlings for the Spring. The first batch is a combination of microgreens, herbs (oregano, basil, thyme, stevia) for my horticultural therapy classes and some greens to put into the cold […]

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Snack time

Olivia tugs at my jacket indicating she wants a trip outside with her grandpa. Her first favorite stop is the swing set where I sing songs to her pushing her back and forth gently. A mostly toothless smile and chubby red cheeks greet me with each cycle. Next we head to the greenhouse where we […]

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