Morning snow

Shoveling snow before dawn is a meditative exercise. There are no sounds as the snow muffles random noises. A fresh 2-inch blanket covers the surroundings, which were losing their wintry white coating, transitioning to gray. My large shovel rolls the powder downhill toward the sides of the driveway, scraping against the blacktop, the lone sound. […]

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Three kings

For many, Christmas is past and preparations are focused on celebrating the year to come. Not in our house as we are still in the midsts of the Christmas holiday. Christmas is not really over for us until January 6, the Day of the Kings, when the three Kings bearing gifts made their way to […]

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Merry Christmas!

The boxes of ornaments we use for our Christmas tree pales in comparison to what Juana has stored for her nativity or el Nacimento. Countless numbers of carefully wrapped and delicate heirlooms are pulled from the attic and put aside to be revealed after the Christmas tree is decorated. And while the Christmas tree can […]

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Seasonal greens

Conifers are perhaps the most thought of Christmas greenery for many cultures. There is, however, a rich history of holiday greens celebrating the Winter Solstice going back to pre-Christian times. Four of the oldest, three of which I have pictures of, are holly, ivy, mistletoe and laurel. All of these plants share being evergreen and […]

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Bye pine, hello fir

As I mentioned in a prior post, we had planned to replace the pine in front of our house with a fir tree that was planted over a decade ago in memory of my mother-in-law, Stella. Watching men-in-trees remove huge limbs and drop the better part of a 75-foot pine makes for good tree TV […]

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