Forsythia envy

The poor man’s (or woman’s) privet hedge is forsythia. Like our richer and more aristocratic English counterparts, many of us define our boarders with this fast growing and often leggy bush that can (without proper care) become like an ungroomed, gangly adolescent child. We put up with it, however, as its emergence this time of […]

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Seeding time

When I first start planting vegetables, it is in the comfort and warmth of my kitchen as early March is too cold to start seedlings outside. I retrieve dusty plastic trays from my greenhouse and wash them, mindful of any pathogens that could be remaining from the prior year. Sometimes Charlotte helps me start the […]

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Quickening Spring

Early April often comes at you with a slow comforting joy then a fast jolt. The snowdrops and crocuses have decided correctly or incorrectly that the snow is past and are flush with leaves and blooms. Daffodils are pushing upward with visible progress each day. Tulips are more tentative as is a cautious child peeking […]

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