Nature’s B&B

The sunflowers have opened for business attracting many customers. During the day, it is a quick take-out cafe visited by a wide variety of patrons that sample its ample supply of pollen. But as night approaches, it becomes a real B&B with many bees taking an evening rest on its numerous disc florets. They will […]

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Blackberry bonanza

With the girls away on vacation, Juana and I have a better than even chance to harvest and save some of the berries for Winter. While the blueberry bushes are now exhausted, the blackberry bushes are heavy with fruit, hanging down to almost the breaking point. We haven’t picked for a few days and are […]

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Dog days of summer

Today, the girls spent the morning working and pulling fruits and vegetables from the garden. The blueberries have perhaps one more harvest left but the blackberries have come in strong with many more on the way. Their tiny fingers are much more adept at picking berries than are mine. Charlotte is more partial to blueberries […]

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