Horticultural therapy in the news

One of the challenges in the discipline of horticultural therapy is that it is not well-understood or promoted. Googling  “horticultural therapy” gets you 60,600 hits compared with over 9 million for Paris Hilton. So I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I read two stories in the New York Times that dealt with the healing […]

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Thanksgiving: 90 percent vegetation

Yesterday’s Thanksgiving feast that was held at many homes throughout the United States is often assumed to be all about turkey (and overeating.) My family went on the Turkey Trot held by the local Boys & Girls club in the early morning. The New York Times and our local paper recently ran articles about how […]

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Let there be light

As a gardener, there are many things that can be done to ensure that whatever we plant grows well. We can recondition the soil with compost, manure and other enhancements; we can plant items best suited to the environment; and we can tend to our gardens faithfully. But the one thing we can’t do is […]

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