Bird feeder

As I sit cuddled up to my wood stove, I can only imagine how lovely the flowers and trees will look in a few months. That was not the case last week as I worked on my tan in the Florida Keys with my skinny white legs acting as a beacon to bugs and a […]

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First melt

A tease is the first melt of the season. With a month of snow gone, one can fantasize that daffodils, tulips and other greens will soon grow out giving way to cherry blossoms. But it is unlikely. The daffodils, in fact, have started to emerge, their enlarged buds poking through the soil. They will not […]

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Baby it’s cold outside

With eggnog cartons long discarded and snow piled on the peonies, winter has settled in. There was no doubt of it this morning with a waking temperature of 4 degrees under a clear sky. Wood needed to be split and piled but I waited until it reached the balmy temperature of 20 before venturing outside. […]

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