Harvesting a salad the other day, I notice that the two cutting celery (Apium graveolens) plants in one of the cold fames is nibbled to the ground. Looking at the other greens, there is little to no rodent damage, which is strange given how much was removed from the celery. Looking more closely, I am […]
Sweet salads
The cold frames continue to deliver greens for fresh salads. The afternoon temperature is just hitting 40 F so it is a good time to pull some greens. I first grab carrots (Daucus carota ssp sativus), which are still loose in the soil. I harvest just enough for tonight and take a bite of one […]
Fresh from the garden
We continue to harvest food from our New England garden even though we have just celebrated the beginning of a new year. The temperatures are above freezing so it’s a good time to see what can be harvested and consumed.We still have a few greens from the other day left over so I decide to […]
Ordering seeds
Just when the gardens have been put to bed, it is time to order seeds for the coming year. I get most of mine from Fedco Seeds, which has a great selection of heirlooms as well as good prices. Before I order, I go through the seeds I still have from the prior year to […]
It’s time for vanilla
I have over 20 clients at Ann’s Place for my next class on making vanilla extract. Like maple syrup, once you try the real thing you cannot go back. To make vanilla extract you need two things: alcohol and vanilla beans. The alcohol part is easy and I always choose vodka for a couple of […]
Another act of kindness: Day 7
I have never thought of Ted and I looking particularity needy, but I am beginning to have second thoughts. Around noon yesterday, we wind up in Amsterdam looking for lunch. But as it turns out any restaurant near the trail is closed. “Do you know of any places we can get lunch?” I ask a […]
A random act of kindness: Day 5
“Would you guys like to come in out of the rain?” she asks unlocking the front door of the Three Pines. “The stove isn’t on but we could rustle up some sandwiches for you.” Ted and I go from despair to elation. We’ve been on the Erie Canal trail all morning and are drenched from […]
Harvest time
The final strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) harvest of Sunday was also the first of our blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum). I have been spying them from a distance looking for when an entire berry rather than just one side becomes blue. Our birds have been cross with me as their attempts to penetrate the defensive veil encasing […]
Celebrating the Summer solstice
Two days ago the annual Summer Solstice celebration was held at @annsplaceinc. I delayed it for a day because of weather and we were rewarded with a near perfect day. Because of the day change I lost a few clients but the ones who came had a fabulous time. With this celebration, I chat with […]
Hanging herb baskets
Last week’s horticultural therapy class on hanging herb baskets at @annsplaceinc went exceeding well with 23 clients signed up both on-site and remotely. The remote option is great for some clients going though cancer treatments who have the will but not the physical strength to make the trek to our center. I am happy to […]