I’m sooo foxy

Foxgloves (Digitalis) are consistent volunteers in our gardens. After introducing them with seed and plants into our soil over 20 years ago, we have never had to again. We never know where this poisonous as well as medicinal plant will emerge and it doesn’t matter to us; we only move this biannual in the Fall […]

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Pretty but stinky in purple

The American wisteria (Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’) is blooming in spectacular fashion at @annsplaceinc. We planted this many years ago as part of a corporate donation, which funded the building of this arbor and a meditative labyrinth below our parking lot. Growth in the beginning was spotty as none of the local deer in the […]

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No mow flowers

Not mowing the lawn creates wonderful surprises. Against the fence, the fading daffodils (Narcissus) are counterbalanced against a thick row of lady’s smock (Cardamine pratensis). I will have to let the grass grow as I don’t have the heart to cut down this lovely expanse of wildflowers.

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Flower Friday

It’s flower Friday again and it’s getting harder to pick the top nine new flowers of the week. But at the top of the list is . . . . Lilac (Syringa vulgaris): Spectacular in bloom and scent, this flower was my mother’s favorite and one of mine. Snuggling up to a bloom, you want […]

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Pounding flowers

A flood at Ann’s Place causes me to move all of my on-site horticultural therapy classes to my home for at least the rest of the summer. But luckily my patio is large enough to accommodate a dozen or so clients at a time so we should be able to make things work. Pounding flowers […]

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Wildflower Wednesday

Wildflower and wild flower Wednesday. It is a perfect day to spot new wildflowers on my bike ride. Here is a partial list of the newest flowers to emerge in my area. Wild geraniums (Geranium maculatum): This roadside flower pops up in hundreds of different forms in mid to late Spring. Wisteria (Wisteria frutescens): This […]

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Flower Friday

It’s flower Friday again and plants are actively making up for lost time by bursting into bloom daily. Sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum): The flowers on the sweet woodruff signify that time to harvest for May wine is past and they are ready to spread actively as a ground cover. Azalea (Rhododendron): This is one of […]

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