Hand watering the garden can be done with either a hose or can. Both have their place, but watering with a can is more contemplative for me and more necessary this season given the drought. Just filling up a container from my one of my water barrels has a soothing and calming effect.
Cracking the tap, water flows out creating a hollow sound that becomes a shallow splash. In a few moments, the sound deepens with the amount of water held. I peer into the can, waiting for the water to reach the right level. The sound decreases in intensity as the water nears the top.
The light can is now heavy with gallons of cool water ready to be transferred to thirsty plants nearby. Tipping it, the fresh liquid is released over parched soil and plants revitalizing them. Flower boxes and pots drip the excess moisture and soon my can is empty, ready to be refilled. And I go off, like before, to fill it again.