I am delighted to be speaking next Saturday at the @norwalklibct about my book, A Therapist’s Garden. The 11 am talk, on July 29, will give an overview of how I came to my current passion of horticultural therapy, where I have practiced locally and some of the stories that are contained in the book. […]
Clinging carrots
“You have to put this on your blog,” says Juana. Pulling some carrots (Daucus carota ssp sativus) I find a pair entwined in a tight embrace. I think of the set as a pair of clinging or cuddling carrots. Juana thinks it cute also though it doesn’t stop us from cutting them up into the […]
Picking berries
It is finally blueberry picking time. Juana and I head out to the netted enclosure that a singular catbird has been visiting. I have not been able to find its entrance, but the losses to this avian predator have not been too great (I think). Many of the berries are still unripe but we have […]
Summer salads
Summer salads are always special and a surprise. I never know what I will find that is ready in the garden but tonight there is lots to choose from. As a base, I pull deer-tongue lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and purslane (Portulaca oleracea) and then add carrots (Daucus carota ssp sativus), two types of radishes (Raphanus […]
Huge hydrangea
This smooth hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’) is an excess of flowering. Most of its blooms are over 10 inches in diameter causing us to support its thin stalks that collapse under their weight. It matters little to the bees and flies that enter and exit to sample its tasty treats.
Bountiful bulbs
For me garlic (Allium sativum) has the best bang for the buck in terms of harvests and ease of planting. In late October when I am planting other bulbs, I pick a space in my raised beds to plant each clove from garlics I have saved and then place at least six inches of straw […]
Dry days
The heat and lack of water this July is showing up in all kinds of ways though we have minimized its effects in the garden. Our lawn of native grasses and “weeds” is cut high (only when needed) and is lush and green. This is in contrast to a neighboring lawn that is cut low […]
A hot month
From the July chapter of my book, A Therapist’s Garden. July is the month of heat, homemade ice cream, and the desire to remain cool. It is an ironic time, as the weather and gardens have flipped into high gear after a long stasis. The warm evenings find fireflies illuminating the background for all the […]
Weed on!
The gardens do not appreciate my absence bicycling around the Delaware and Lehigh Rivers. Coming back to greet them, I can see they have been well-watered by Juana but not weeded. In a little more than a week a few weeds have multiplied into a massive mat that I will spend the next few days […]
D&L trail vignettes
It is impossible to capture everything in a blog about what you see on a trip like this. Here are a few vignettes of special sights. Classic covered bridge: This well-kept covered bridge is located in Uhlerstown leading us off the D&L to the D&R trail on the other side of the river in New […]