Spring is when microclimates show off big differences. This split screen of two forsythia illustrates this phenomenon perfectly. The image to the left is of a bush belonging to a neighbor less than 200 yards away; the other is of my scraggly bushes tucked into a north facing hill. My neighbor’s bushes get sun all […]
Spring hail
An unexpected hail storm left as quickly as it arrived yesterday. Out of nowhere it came pelting our cars and gardens with rock-salt sized frozen chunks. Handfuls could be gathered up moments after it started to fall. And in less than 10 minutes it stopped and the skies cleared. The tulips (Tulpia) came out just […]
Final thaw
Winter appears to be giving up. A final pre-Spring blast of warm weather has made all the snow a memory and early flowering plants have taken advantage of the opportunity. But the cold still remains as the ground is thawed only 3 inches deep. This makes walking across the property a bit treacherous as water […]
Night shoveling
My favorite time to shovel snow is at night when it has just stopped falling. There is an eerie and pleasing quiet as sounds are muffled by the blanket of white and the absence of cars or other vehicles. I take my shovels outside the garage and start my initial paths down the drive. The […]
Waiting for Spring
he old saying that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb is an inaccurate Nature proverb. Sometimes March comes in like a lamb and out like a lion, as a mild Winter gives way to a cold, delayed Spring. It is a month of confusion and frustration as the daylight lengthens, […]
Slick snow
Bucket in hand, I head out for the compost heap. The snow glistens with an icy sheen and I assume that my weight will crunch the snow beneath my feet slightly. But that is not the case. The daily thaw and refreeze cycles that are perfect for sugaring maple (Acer saccharum) trees, creates a rock […]
A Winter ride
With unseasonably warm temperatures and clear skies, I decide to hop on my bike for a 22-mile circuit from my house around the Titicus Reservoir and back. You don’t get many of these days in February so you have to take advantage of them when they pop up. My bike needs little maintenance beyond filling […]
Plant panes
Flowers are always on the supermarket list this time of year. Part of Juana’s Winter survival strategy is to decorate as many windowsills as possible with fragrant and flowering plants.The kitchen sill has daffodils (Narcissus), primrose (Primula vulgaris), a lone cyclamen, and my grasshead. Many of the tiny pots get cycled out every couple of […]
Snow layers
With the big melt we are having, this thyme plant emerges from the snow. I haven’t seen it for a month as successive little snows have kept it hidden from view next to our primitive snow gauge. This type of melt is typical for February: a brief warming spell soon quashed by more snow and […]
Icy times
Ice is beautiful but potentially frightening at the same time. The outdoors are bejeweled with freezing rain. We are lucky as the amount of precipitation is slight so it adds a only slight, shiny glaze to plants rather than a potentially heavy and dangerous coating. The Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) branches are enveloped in ice […]