he old saying that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb is an inaccurate Nature proverb. Sometimes March comes in like a lamb and out like a lion, as a mild Winter gives way to a cold, delayed Spring. It is a month of confusion and frustration as the daylight lengthens, leading to the Spring equinox and the anticipation of warmer days and nights.
That was evident yesterday as an early week thaw and warmth gave way to snow showers. The daffodils (Narcissus) and snowdrops (Galanthus) that were emerging are now encased in snow.Flexibility and patience is needed this month more than any other, as the melting snow can be refreshed many times.
The return of certain birds to feeders as well as the emergence of early bulbs popping out of the thawing soil herald warmer days to come. But we need to wait yet another day.