Careful watering

Hand watering the garden can be done with either a hose or can. Both have their place, but watering with a can is more contemplative for me and more necessary this season given the drought. Just filling up a container from my one of my water barrels has a soothing and calming effect. Cracking the […]

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Flower press

Even though I needed to cancel my class on flower pressing a few weeks back because of the heat, I don’t let the materials go to waste. Both Charlotte and Juana decide to take material (and pens) into their own hands to customize a set of presses for their own use. I think they did […]

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Hungry, hungry caterpillars

Looking to grab some parsley for dinner, I spot a pair of black swallowtail butterfly caterpillars munching away. They have done a pretty good job at consuming the dill and coriander, leaving only skeletal remains. Approaching them, I can almost hear them crunching away. I grab a few leaves on the outskirts of the plant, […]

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Blackberry time

Blackberries (Rubus fruticosus) have just started to ripen as the blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum) are giving us their last fruits. We are fortunate as the progression of different berries takes us from late May to early September with fresh fruit for our morning breakfast just steps away. There is always a tendency to pick the fruits […]

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Flower presses

Many of my horticultural therapy classes require lots of upfront work. My class on pressing flowers requires more than normal as I decide to give my clients a nicer flower press than I have in the past. But I admit I enjoy the challenge as it often brings out my inner Macgyver and engineer to […]

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Colorful beans

Our beans have started to get too old and tough to eat the pods so Juana is shucking them to remove their coverings. She is a bit puzzled when she discovers that the red noodle beans have white beans inside and the green bush beans have red ones. No matter, I’m sure they will cook […]

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