My neighbor, Donna, has a rainier cherry tree growing near our property and she generously shares its fruit with us. It always is a battle between the birds and us to see who gets the largest part of the harvest, but this year a large crow has taken up residence, protecting the berries from smaller […]
Food or Weed?
The purslane is emerging in the vegetable garden and I need to decide how much to keep. To some this is a weed but to me it is a delicious topping for a sandwich or salad. Its crunch and texture is unique and adds an extra element to a meal. Its slightly sour taste and […]
Sugar snap peas
The sugar snap peas are in and they are delicious. We started eating them a week ago and now pull at least half a pint every day. I prefer them raw though Juana likes them to be lightly cooked. Regardless they are delicious. Just planted the second seasonal crop that should start producing by late […]
Olivia’s new love
The strawberries are in and so is Olivia. After some initial hesitancy to sample a strawberry, she digs in with all of the gusto that her sister Charlotte exhibited at her age. She smiles as thin lines of strawberry juice rundown her chin, staining her shirt. We probably lose half the harvest to her but […]
First woodchuck
A woodchuck is perched on the woodpile underneath the Fringetree surveying the possibilities. The hostas look yummy as does the excess of clover and plantains in my yard and the day lilies in my garden. This could be a long summer.
Dandelion muffins
When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. The same can also be said for dandelions except you make muffins. The lawn is chock full of dandelion flowers and I have enlisted Juana and Olivia to be my helpers to harvest the makings of dandelion muffins. Olivia is more interested in dropping the spent blossoms […]
Asparagus is in!
Our average daily harvest.
Time for May wine
With the beginning of May and a full moon comes the time to harvest sweet woodruff and make May wine. This concoction originated in Germany (Maiwein) and has been used for hundreds of years to treat a variety of ailments. Juana and I make it every year because it is so delish. The recipe is […]
Greenhouse gardening
May is when my greenhouse is bursting as all my inside seedlings need to start the hardening off process as well as be transplanted. In addition, I stopped at @gilbertiesorganics for my yearly pickup of herbs for @annsplaceinc. So between the two, I need to keep the space extra tidy to make room. Gilberties, like […]
Planting pansies
Olivia has picked out a couple of pansy plants she wants us to pot up in a window box. I’m not sure where they will wind up but I am sure we will have fun figuring that out.