It’s a jungle out there

Looking out my windows, I sometime feel as if I am on safari with all the animals making their way around my fencing. At least every other day, a fox or two trots by my back yard looking for prey to bring back to their dens. Recently, a fairly large gray coyote has been skulking about. I am glad I have no cats and that our dog Daisy stays inside the fence.

More remarkable is a video shared with me early in the day by a neighbor showing a mother black bear and two cubs trotting through a back yard less than 1/2 mile away. But I was not prepared to have these creatures so close to home.

While Juana and I were out for dinner, our neighbor Donna called us telling us about the trio of bears that had just knocked down a feeder up the exterior stairs of her house. She took a picture of them inspecting her back yard.

These creatures combined with bobcats, wild turkeys, bald eagles, red-tailed hawks, screech owls, rabbits, skunks, rabbits, possums, white-tailed deer and many other small creatures make where we live quite special. If not a little crowded.

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