Kitting up

Every other week, I set up a horticultural production line to ready materials for my clients at Ann’s Place @annsplaceinc. This week’s chore is particularity taxing as I have two dozen bags of materials to kit up for my class on microgreens. Luckily, Juana is helping me put everything together.

Though it is a bit early in the season, there is enough daylight now so my clients can grow microgreens in a tray next to a sunny window. I create a mix of soils from @mcenroeorganicfarm. It offers a lot of great mixes but for this purpose I use 1/3 potting soil and 2/3 lite growing mix. Juana suggests that we weigh each bag to ensure that my clients will have the right amount of soil. After we measure out the soil, I then distribute four different types of seeds that grow fast and are super yummy as microgreens.

They are:

Radish (Raphanus sativus)
Arugula (Eruca vesicaria ssp sativa)
Mesclun (greens and lettuce)
Snow Peas (Pisum sativum var saccharatum)

Snow peas are a new addition to the mix as I have discovered that its leaves have a very snappy, fresh taste. Because I purchase the seeds in bulk, each type is measured out and placed in a tiny seed envelope. With the addition of plant tags and instruction sheet, we now have everything to be put into a bag. The planting trays will be added later.

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