A sure sign that Spring is on its way is the appearance of deer nearby. We rarely see many against the snowy ridge that defines our back yard. Typically the herds stay further down the hill toward the Titicus River or the Great Swamp. But this morning two female deer, both looking somewhat with fawn, are nibbling at the small bits of undergrowth on the hill. They forage in an area filled with Christmas ferns (Polystichum acrostichoides), which still are sporting green fronds. The pickings seem slim as they push the snow out of the way with their snouts. An occasional nibble and then they move to another area. Stopping at a dogwood (Cornus Florida) sapling, one tears at the bark.They both look at the fence separating my gardens from their hunger. After a glance or two, they move back up the hill in a continuing search for a meal.