Native wisdom: Being a grandfather

A few days ago we passed a nondescript building with what appeared to be poles sticking out of the ground. Upon a closer examination, the building was the headquarters of the Native Council of PEI, an organization for Aboriginal people not living on the reservation. 

The poles are carvings that were provided to the local peoples as a gift from artist Levi Cannon Whitebear. They are called the dancing poles and portray the seven gifts of the grandfathers. According to a plaque near their installation, these teachings come from the Algonquin tribes and carry seven lessons for each person to practice for life. These lessons are wisdom, love, respect, bravery, honesty, humility, and truth. 

“It is said that as you walk your path in life, and can every day practice these teachings, well then you are an elder,” said Whitebear.

Looking at these strange faces I think about what I want to teach my grandchildren, Charlotte and Charlie. This is a pretty good list.

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1 Comment

  1. The light houses are so quaint and picturesque ,are they all still in active service? The land is gorgeous and the sea so tranquil,I may have to move there . Be careful when you ride, I worry about those close calls .HappyFourth! All my love ,Juana

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