Juana and I take the opportunity to harvest saffron from the crocuses. It has been a miserable few days with rain and a chill keeping both of us close to the warm, yellow and red fire blazing in the stove. Still, we both are happy waking to clear skies this morning progressing to a sunny, […]
A prairie visit
We had an opportunity to visit a local prairie, a special and vanishing ecosystem. They differ from meadows in that they don’t favor the growth of trees and have many more wildflowers and grasses. We have see a few monarch butterflies making their migration toward Mexico, but it is late in the season given the […]
Natural quilts
Dodging the rain in the Northeast, we find ourselves in hot and steamy Des Moines for the Iowa Quilt Show. One of Juana’s bucket list items is to attend this exhibition of hundreds of quilts, and the fact that our niece, Lucy, lives nearby makes it so much easier to make the journey. Entering the […]
A Fall weekend
This first weekend of Fall is apropos given its cold, rainy start. The heat comes on as we wake to remove the dawn’s chill now that temperatures in the low 50s put us to sleep each night. The clicking and gurgle of water in the radiators replaces the morning chirps of birds now that windows […]
Final harvest
Olivia strains with our final tomato harvest. There have been plenty of fruits, though in the last week they have stubbornly held on to their green color. She is a good helper, harvesting fruit regardless of its shade and eating half of what she pulls. Juana separates the tomatoes into different paper bags according to […]
End of season growth
The morning air is crisp and the sun is rising just a bit later and a tad to the east each morning. The equinox is but a few days away signaling the coming of Fall and the shutting down of garden growth. Yet each day, I find new signs of life. The morning glories have […]
Golden rod
The golden rod is out in full bloom with bees, wasps and hornets taking full advantage to feed off its flowers. We have let large stands of it take over parts of the yard preferring its tall, spreading, leggy stems to more predictable plants that we would install. It is one of the few plants […]
Abundant beach plums
This is the year of beach plums. Rather than having to fight off deer and other foragers for a slight handful of these tasty fruits, they are in obscene abundance. Every bush has clumps of these deep purple pitted fruits waiting for the taking. And take I do. Grabbing a bunch, like so many grapes […]
Sagging sunflowers
With Labor Day approaching, I am starting to feel a bit like the sentinel-like sunflowers in the front yard. A month ago they were tall and erect, holding their heads high, soaking in rays. Now, each weighed down with hundreds of seeds, they are bent over appearing to have a vegetative osteoporosis. Their petals are […]
Munching monarch
The monarch butterflies have not been too plentiful this season and I feel fortunate that I spotted one feeding on our butterfly bush. As it flittered between blossoms, I wondered if I would see any more this season.