August is the heart of harvest season and the first of the potatoes have come in. It is a bit of a misnomer to call them a crop as I take a single old sprouting potato from our larder in June, cut out each eye letting them heal for a few days, and then place them into a couple of grow bags. By adding successive layers of soil as the foliage pops up, I get a nice plants that has lots of tiny potatoes to harvest in a few months. Juana and I will probably have these tonight for dinner but I am unsure if we will have them as a cold salad or hot with butter. Regardless they will be delicious.
1 Comment
There are over 3000 varieties of potato,
All of which originated in South America,
Cultivated by natives and brought to
North America and Europe by missionaries
And explorers. Thank you Juana!
Little known facts: potatoes are an excellent
Source of Vitamin C, and may some day
Serve as a delivery mechanism for
Vaccines and other pharmaceuticals.