The amaryllis is decadent. After a month or so, it has exploded with three stalks, the first one of which has six incredible flowers. Even though its whiteness implies chasteness, its excess implies something quite different. It towers over the other tinier plants that surround it in our solarium. This room is where we keep our plants in Winter as it has the best early morning sun and is a joy to reside in. Juana often sits here sketching the changes in the plants and flowers as they emerge. I sit nearby breathing in the highly oxygenated, fragrant air. The holiday plants, so lush a month ago, are waning in their growth and intensity. But the amaryllis has more than taken their place. . . .for now.

1 Comment
No flowers are chaste, because they are
The reproductive organs of plants
Shamelessly flaunted to attract multiple partners.