A full day: Afternoon

After a filling lunch (Ted had oyster tacos, I a non-seafood burger) we headed off. We had probably biked 25 miles so the rest of the day should not be too difficult. While I was tempted to have a beer for lunch as did Ted, but my poor tolerance for alcohol prevented such an indulgence […]

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A gorgeous weed: Lupines

As we closed in on PEI the other day, we started to notice increasing amounts of lupines as a roadside weed. Appearing with more regularity,  these spiky blooms of pink, white, blue and purple flowers form little oases of color against their green backdrop. And once we get to PEI, their frequency and popularity explodes. […]

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Happy 484th birthday!

We make a quick stop at the Jacques Cartier Provincial Park, a park that offers red sand beaches and spots for camping. There are a good number of campers in the park but far from what would be here if this were in the states with such a lovely view and vantage on a holiday […]

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From the Cape

After a seemingly endless ride from Charlottetown, our driver Dan dropped Ted and me off at North Cape at the far north-west end of Prince Edwards Island. The day is clear without a cloud in the sky. At the Cape, there is a wind power research facility as well as well over a dozen huge […]

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