Bill, Ted, Carol, and Erik (for dinner)

What is wonderful about Pittsburgh today is that its lovely rebirth matches the nostalgic remembrances of my youth. The dirty memories of a young man introducing his bride to his Quaker State relatives are gone replaced by music, art and cleanliness. After seeing my Aunt Dorothy, my cousins Bill and Carol took Ted and I […]

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Erik and Ted’s Excellent Adventure

As we drive through Eastern Pennsylvania toward Pittsburgh, I wonder how we should refer to our journey. Will it be: Erik and Ted’s Excellent AdventureBrokeback Mountain BikeRocky Road Horror Picture ShowDeliverance (from breakdowns and bad weather)Geezers on Wheels I’m inclined to go with the first reference as with the classic slacker movie, “Bill and Ted’s […]

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Final plantings

When my father planted tomatoes, he told me that the best time for them to go into the ground was when, "the size of an oak leaf is the size of a squirrel's paw." At best this is an approximation as it is difficult to have a squirrel hold still to compare its paw with […]

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Red, white and green

Different seasons stimulate different senses. The Spring shocks the sight into recognizing colors that could only be imaged a few months prior. Early May is the apex of that stimulation with the simultaneous flowering of trees, shrubs and bushes. We get some teasers of color in early Spring with different colored crocuses or the blue […]

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Early eats

May is the first month when the garden begins to become more reliable for food. There have been years where the cold frame has provided early March greens, and sometimes dormant carrots and leeks that have been left in the soil after last Fall’s harvest can be pulled as a unfrozen treat. But newly grown […]

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Forsythia envy

The poor man’s (or woman’s) privet hedge is forsythia. Like our richer and more aristocratic English counterparts, many of us define our boarders with this fast growing and often leggy bush that can (without proper care) become like an ungroomed, gangly adolescent child. We put up with it, however, as its emergence this time of […]

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Seeding time

When I first start planting vegetables, it is in the comfort and warmth of my kitchen as early March is too cold to start seedlings outside. I retrieve dusty plastic trays from my greenhouse and wash them, mindful of any pathogens that could be remaining from the prior year. Sometimes Charlotte helps me start the […]

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