While many of us look to put together highly planned gardens with everything in just the right spot, sometimes random plantings can be the most rewarding particularly when they find themselves in inhospitable places. I was biking the other morning and was nearing a new Publix that is going up in Islamorada. There used to […]
Re-greening of the Keys
>For the second consecutive winter, we have migrated to the Florida Keys to better survive the nasty weather you often find in New England this time of year. This winter, however, we were unsure if our roost would be ready as Hurricane Irma’s aftermath rendered many homes and businesses in the Keys ruined. Luckily our […]
Super blue lunar eclipse moon (with a pelican thrown in)
Though I set an alarm for 5:45 am, Juana and I rise before it goes off in anticipation of a rare event: the confluence of two full moons a month (blue), close proximity to Earth (super), and a full lunar eclipse. Looking out our kitchen window in the Florida Keys while the coffee brews, the […]
First melt
The first extended blast of artic air and chill drains hope of future warmth and forces you to settle in for a long winter ahead. This can happen in December, but more often than not occurs in January. It starts off innocently with a lull in the weather and then a sharp drop in temperature […]
Christmas Coat
The old Bing Crosby song, “White Christmas,” can make you pine for a lovely covering of snow on the ground as one wakes to greet the morning of the 25th. And today is one of the rare days when our celestial requests have been answered with a 4-5 inch fall overnight covering the dingy ground […]
The smell of snow
Even before I scanned the weather forecast, you could tell that it was going to snow. A clear solitude outside heralded its approach. The last of the oak leaves have dropped giving me the opportunity for one last rake. The Japanese maples were still stubbornly holding on to their cover as their terminal buds had […]
Lingering leaves
After Thanksgiving, you are hopeful that you have been able to put the garden to bed. The hydrangea have had their blooms cut back revealing tiny sticks poking out of the soil. A few iris pods are left that rattle in the wind. And the rose hips are full and fat ready for the plucking. […]
Baring the Berries
Garden chores are more sporadic and infrequent in November. Rather than deal with constant growth and the cutting back of different plants, I tour the property every other day to see what had faded and needs removal. Today it was the asters, some of the hydrangea and a mandevilla that had entwined itself around a […]
Hard Frost
All frosts are not created equal. The first often arrives in October as a sprinkling of powered sugar on the roof of my house and pickup truck. Unlike that sweet confection, it disappears with first light and is easy to miss if one is late to wake or not attentive. There are a few other […]
Late Fall
By the middle of Fall, most of the yard work is done. A cold spell or two has crushed the hostas wilting their leaves in a prelude to a collapsed desiccated skeleton. The golden rod has gone gray and the remains of astilbe stalks poke through the accumulating leaf litter. Most of the tree leaves […]