A Summer’s start

It is the first day this year that we can have an al fresco breakfast. Such lunches and dinners have been commonplace in the last few weeks. The mornings, however, have been too cold, too wet, too cloudy or have exhibited other characteristics that discouraged Juana and I from taking our morning coffee outside.  But […]

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Dandelion muffins with lilac jam

The unofficial start of Summer, Memorial Day, signals that Winter is behind us and the garden is exploding with growth. But for every lovely flower and plant that emerges, 10 times that number or more of weeds pop up. Plantains (Musa × paradisiaca), chickweed (Stellaria media) and crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) are early visitors to gardens. […]

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Swimming with flowers

“I can’t breathe,” said my mother in a panicked tone as she floated in the pool. “I need to get out.” Moments ago she had been splashing around, content. She now was breathing with shallow puffs.  I cradled her in my arms and turned her body toward the windows on the side of the pool. […]

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Volunteer sunflowers

Some of my favorite plants in the gardens that I tend to are those I had nothing to do with their inclusion. (The converse is also true, particularly with stealthily introduced invasives.)  This year at Ann’s Place joe-pye weed stretches high in the back garden above the Virginia rye, golden rod and the remaining phragmites […]

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