The grasshead I created a few weeks ago with my HT class needs a shave every couple of days. It shows the rigorous growth of early Spring grass as well as my misplacement of seeds. I was hoping for a solid head of “hair” but instead have crafted a more Neanderthal look combined with male-pattern […]
Garden review
Picking up some supplies at Ann’s Place, I stroll toward the back to see how the grounds have fared this Winter. It is the time of year, between the melting of the last hoped-for snow and emerging growth, when the bones and architecture of the gardens can be examined and appreciated. It’s easy to spot […]
Goodreads giveaway
It’s a Goodreads Giveaway! I am giving away five first edition signed copies of “A Therapist’s Garden.” This Giveaway will end on March 23 and is available in the United States. My book covers 20 years of horticultural experiences with a wide variety of clients showing the healing power of plants. There are many gardening […]
Surprising flowers
Upon opening the door to the greenhouse, Juana and I discover flowers on the rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) bush that I left in the greenhouse over Winter. I rub the leaves and inhale deeply. Amazing! Spring must be around the corner.
Microgreen munchies
My class on microgreens is the largest of the Winter with 25 clients. They all seem excited about shaking off the Winter chill and getting their hands into the soil. “Though it seems early, we are just a bit more than a month from the equinox,” I start out. “So if you have a south […]
Future flowers
Juana decides to spruce up a vase holding fading flowers with a couple of cuttings from outdoor bushes. The buds on both the forsythia and flowering quince (Chaenomeles) are swelling in concert with the warm weather we have been having.Taking out my Felco pruners, I snip off heavily budded branches for Juana’s use. She asks […]
Lucky times
Strong winds blow off one of the plastic panes covering the cold frame. Luckily nothing shattered so I am able to easily replace it. But upon close inspection, I discover that I am not the only one who is lucky. There is digging in the soil and the tops of all the carrots (Daucus carota […]
Winter inspiration
Working with Rosana on the illustrations for my book has been a real pleasure. Many of the plates she has created represent an amalgam of the stories crafted for each month. Occasionally, however, being at the right place at the right time serves up the perfect idea. Can you figure out the inspiration for the […]
Deer on the move
A sure sign that Spring is on its way is the appearance of deer nearby. We rarely see many against the snowy ridge that defines our back yard. Typically the herds stay further down the hill toward the Titicus River or the Great Swamp. But this morning two female deer, both looking somewhat with fawn, […]
A gardening addition
Juana was cleaning out the closet the other day and found two of the many bibs she made for Charlotte years ago. The first, with vegetables and fruit, and the second, with farm animals, had been stored with the hope that someday another grandchild would be able to wear them. And that day is now […]