Off to the beach

A recent cartoon in the New Yorker reminded me that the beach is usually not for gardening. You are surrounded by nature, but your reactions are muted by a type of voyeurism that says look but don’t touch.  You are surprised by the lush inhabitants that flourish, grow and display themselves unambiguously for all to […]

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Flora from Kauai

View Full Album One of the things that is great about going to a place like Kauai is that there is never an absence of life. You can’t swing a dead chicken or rooster (the Island’s birds) without hitting some fantastic looking flower or plant. Every breadth that you inhale is full of life-affirming scents […]

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To market, to market

One of the sweetest trips of summer are my weekly sojourns to the local farmer’s market. Here the bounty of the season is on display and the biggest problem I have is to select how much should I buy verses harvest from my garden. I always have the same approach: I carefully walk around the […]

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