Hungry bird

“Turn around slowly,” I whisper to Juana. “There is a hawk under the swing set.” Sitting in the grass between the swing and a nearby bench is a magnificent red-shouldered hawk (we think). It sits quietly unmoving though it has its eye on me as I try to move closer to get a better shot. […]

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Joe pye weed

The volunteer Joe Pye weeds (Eutochium purpureum) that are popping up in the herbaceous borders at Ann’s Place are one of my favorite squatters in these gardens. I’m not sure where they came from but a single volunteer a few years ago located next to a bench has now a large family surrounding it. It […]

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Hungry birds

An early morning walk on the beach brings us to foraging seabirds including terns, seagulls and piping plovers. They are spending most of their time in the rack, full of seaweed, bait fish, bivalves and tiny trapped crabs. The plovers dart in and out of the waves trying with their beaks to grab a buried […]

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Jamming on the beach

We are spending a lovely holiday weekend at the beach on Long Island. The weather is perfect with bright sun and light, warm breezes. We decide to take an early morning walk with a foraging prey in mind: beach plums. Early September is beach plum season here and we hope to beat the birds and […]

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That’s not a bee

“Do you see the size of that bee?!” exclaims the attendant at the transfer station in town. “Is that a killer hornet?!” Turning my head toward the back of the pickup holding my garbage cans, I see a huge bee at least 1.5 inches long. “I’m closing my window,” says the bearded employee, shutting it […]

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D&L trail vignettes

It is impossible to capture everything in a blog about what you see on a trip like this. Here are a few vignettes of special sights. Classic covered bridge: This well-kept covered bridge is located in Uhlerstown leading us off the D&L to the D&R trail on the other side of the river in New […]

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Peddling to paddling

“Paddle right,” I shout. “Now left! Watch out for the rock on the right! Pull hard to the left. Keep the raft straight. Everyone paddle hard!  We are heading for a boulder!” Ted and I take the day off from pedaling and spend it paddling down the Lehigh RIver in a rubber raft with a […]

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Into the woods

We did it! Black Diamond and back. 73 miles. You couldn’t ask for a more perfect day this morning crossing the train tracks in Jim Thorpe heading north on the D&L trail. Following the Lehigh River, we start up a long incline that will not end until we get to our final destination. Between the […]

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Entering coal country

Passing over the Lehigh River, our departure from Sayre Mansion in Bethlehem is accompanied by the whistle and clacking wheels of an empty freight train below. Another cloudy day greets us for our 40 mile trip to Jim Thorpe, the area where anthracite coal was discovered in the 1800s. The morning ride along side the Lehigh […]

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