Time to cage the blueberries (Vaccinium angustfolium)! I learned the hard way that blueberries are way too temping for all the creatures we live with so now that they are fat and approaching ripeness, they must be sequestered. While it may not look sturdy, this PVC-framed cage is cheap and reliable. Somewhat like me. The […]
Bird watchers
Though it looks like a Baltimore oriole is standing off against a Red-bellied woodpecker, they are just taking their turns at our suet feeder. Given the roaming of momma and two baby bears, the bird feeders are now limited to two small thistle feeders (brought in at night) and suet. I hope I am not […]
Persistent fruits
Starting to bud out, the crabapple tree (Malus) in the back still has quite a few fruits hanging from its branches. This collection of shriveled orbs, has withstood the test of Winter as well as the local bird population. It is often the last of the fruit to be cleared off my plants by the […]
Spring cleanup
Warming days and drier soil leads me to multiple days of Spring cleanup. The remnants of Winter are raked away to make room for the emerging growth. I always know it is time once the larger daffodil (Narcissus) and tulip (Tulipa) leaves start to penetrate the leaf litter. If I don’t get the Fall leaves […]
Birds of three
Before all the snow melts, these three doves perch on my fence puffed up against the chill in the morning air. They seem a bit exposed, but perhaps are waiting their turns on the bird feeder around the corner that is chock full of other feathered friends.
A new home
The last sugar maple (Acer saccharum) on my property is dying. It does not have the classic conical shape of a sugar maple as hard years of branch breaks and errant side growths gives it an irregular and awkward shape, prone to damage. Regardless, from its girth I suspect that it is over 100 years […]
A splendid day
Visiting my daughter Sarah and grandson Charlie a few days ago, Juana, Charlotte and I take advantage of the splendid day we are presented with and travel to a local wildlife sanctuary in Ipswich. The first thing I spot is an artistically stacked wood pile that has a massive branch cutting through it. I don’t […]
In the dark and cold of Winter, bright colors are a welcome surprise. This pair of bluebirds resting and feeding on sunflower seeds are a lovely and uncommon distraction.
Bird food
In Winter more time is often spent looking out than being out. The gardens are asleep, waiting for warmer weather and increased light. But the birds who have remained for the seasons are still quite active.A large red-bellied woodpecker frequents the suet feeder next to the kitchen window. It pecks away with intensity seeking to […]
Christmas tree construction
Decorating the Christmas tree, our latest and largest harvest, is more a marathon in our house than a sprint. Spruces (Picea) tend to have a lot more open spaces than do firs (Abies) within their branches making room for a great number of decorations to hang from the tree. The first order of business is […]